online performance

november 2021

Live Preview

Wolves is an online production that tells the story of a young woman who meets a wolf in her summer cottage one night. The wolf is unknown in Estonian mythology, a stranger, and an encounter with it can have a very different outcome. The forest around the cottage is strange and full of danger - just like the digital thicket around us, where we all search for something to make sense of the world around us.

The performance was streamed live on screen and audience interaction was playfully incorporated into the text of the performance in real time. Wolves represents a hybrid form of digital theater, integrating contributions from theater, film, and visual arts professionals.

  • Authors: Taavet Jansen, Liis Vares

  • Directors:Taavet Jansen & Liis Vares

  • Dramaturgy:Tõnis Parksepp

  • Video artist:Alis Mäesalu

  • Stsenography:Neeme Külm

  • Light designer:Fredi Karu, Mikk-Mait Kivi

  • Composer:Liisa Hirch

  • Performers:Marion Tammet & Anne Türnpu

  • Stylist:Alissa Šnaider

  • Producer:eˉlektron

  • Supporters:Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Ministry of Culture, Tallinna City,

  • Thank you:Ahti Lill, Kätlin Sumberg, EKA Doctoral Studies, TÜ Viljandi Culture Academy, Peeter Jalakas, Raivo Kelomees, Jürgen Volmer, Anni Parksepp

Duration:60 min


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